Thursday, June 27, 2013

" Open Challenge" ~ Calgary ~ Challenge #124

Words of the Diva:  "This week's challenge is an open challenge - i only ask that you keep Calgary in your hearts this week, and any part of the Earth where people are dealing with incredible struggles and tragedy."  Please see Laura's complete web-post here.

Whilst the stark truth is that
hardship and difficulties are inevitable and inescapable,
the definitive question may be whether
we yield under their weight
 use them as an opportunity to
better ourselves.  
                                                      Daisaku Ikeda
I am taking this opportunity to post a few zendalas from Erin Olson's Zendala Dare.  I have not participated in her challenge 'cuz I have been uncomfortable tangling in a zendala format.  Don't know why.  Not enough time?  Maybe.  But I recently bit the bullet and tangled my 1st zendala, using one of Erin's templates...... here

And  it was kinda fun!  So, this week, my mission and personal challenge was to work with  my zendalaphobia and try to shorten the depth of my learning curve. 

Mission accomplished.  (Thanks, Erin!)

Zendala Dare 56

Zendala Dare 57

Zendala Dare ?? (Don't know which one this is...)

Zendala Dare 54
Happy tangling...
... and thank you for visiting.
Happy Birthday, Uncle Charlie!!! 
 love you lots.....