Friday, May 31, 2013

" Bales - Tangelations " - Challenge #120

 This week we are exploring Bales and it's many tangelations. I love Bales. It's so forgiving and it multi-tasks beautifully. All that is needed is the basic stroke pattern and a creative imagination. (I'm still working on that creative imagination!)

ZIA - Sakura Micron Black #01/0.25mm; chalk pastels
On the Diva's blog post are photos of her beautiful family..... and a message written on the sidewalk in chalk:

"Some people
 feel the rain.
  just get wet." 

 Tangle happy...
... and thank you for visiting.


  1. Well, so far, that creative imagination is working very well. I love your tile; and I love the quote you shared this week. I live in Washington State, where it rains a whole lot; so that is very appropriate. Feel the rain, don't just get wet, lol. PS - I love the rain, and sometimes it's so slight you don't even get wet unless you just stand still.

  2. Lovely work! I especially like the way use used Bales in the circular string. Very creative indeed. :-)

  3. Really nice! I'm glad to see someone using pastels because I have been wanting to use mine, but wasn't sure if they would work. Love the circular bale, too.

  4. Tricia your wispy spinning bales are full of zest and freedom!

  5. Great job! Love the little wispy off-shoots :)

  6. Great!!! I love the color in this tile


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