Thursday, January 30, 2014

" Aquafleur " - Challenge #152

'Aquafleur':  water flower; flower of water; watercolor.  This is a new tangle by Zentangle® HQ....... bold, delicate, flowing - and oh, so lovely.  (find strep-out here)  And the challenge, for this week #152, is to use 'Aquafleur' on a Zentangle tile or in a ZIA.

ZIA - tan paper, Sakura Microns black and brown (sepia tone) #01; graphite shading; white pastels

There are some knock-out beautiful 'Aquafleur' compositions on the Diva's website.  
Hope you will have a look.....
Happy tangling.....
.....and thank you for visiting!



  1. This has a big fat WOW from me. So different and brilliant.

  2. This is stunning! I love hearts and I love what you did with Aquafleur!

  3. Beautiful just Beautiful! I love how you wrapped one of the fleurs around the other!

  4. Tricia, This is breathtaking!! The simplicity and cleanliness of the whole tile is just breathtaking!!! Love it!! I really like how the white pastel really shows up on the tan paper!! Color combo is beautiful. (I may have to try that some time. Thanks for letting us know what you used! ) :0) Share Humanity

  5. Like your shading and highlights on the "ribbons". It really makes them stand out.

  6. Awesome! I like how one is hanging on the an other!

  7. Absolutely STUNNING! So wonderful this variation of Aquafleur! Very creative!

  8. It's so beautiful! I like the way you have it coming from different directions and the way one seems to grab the other. And your shading is wonderful.

  9. Fabulous idea - I just love it. Very clever and beautifully executed.

  10. Love the texture - it looks somewhat "woody!" Unexpected and therefore really cool!


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